- It always maintains a safe distance from you.
- Always in the air.
- You wont value it until its gone.
- If its really love it wont come back on its own you gotta make it happen.
- Its mostly onesided.
- Never comes to you when you in search of it but alaways finds a way to your heart.
- Strikes you when you least expect it.
- Always a dilemma to know if its really LOVE?
- And if it really is then got more dilemma coming your way.
- Is the only thing dad's money cant buy.
- Is rarely uncondtional nowadays.
- Makes u Dillusional,Illogical and Hallucinated.
- Is the only thing a HUMAN HEART craves for the most.
- Has become a myth in this era.
- Is one the verge of EXTINCTION and needs help from only the HEART possesing human race.
MOOD:- Sad :( and curious