Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lazyness...way of being Human.

People always crib about being lazy and leave no chance to put people down who are lazy,but i feel being lazy is just being human or being more human than others who aint lazy et all….

Being a Libran lazyness is my birth right,or u can say woven into me…even Linda aunty(Linda Godwoman) supports this theory of mine…

thats so human to do,y do ppl yell at me then...

thats so human to do,y do ppl yell at me then...

I define laziness as the process of introspection and feeling human…In todays sick world everyone is in race of catching the train,working 24hrs to earn that extra buck,but no one has the time to just lie on the bed and think nothing or think something.

Being Lazy gives u a chance to think about the movie,girl,cricketer,actor,cartoon characters you always admired or wanted to think about.

Lazy can be anything from just lying on the bed or doing nothing.You very much get most amazing idea’s when u just ly on the couch and stare out of your window or at the ceiling.

I love to just ly on my bed n gaze at the blue sky…especially on Sunday morning’s. I think being lazy gives you some time to introspect your life and what u wanna do when u are not doing nothing ….its pure bliss to ly without any thoughts and do nothing and not worry about some one will come and invade the most human thing you can do.

Laziness lets you think what you really want to.Imagine what you want to.It hurts when people ask you to do something when you are in those moods when you just want to laze around and trust me its the most pleasurable thing to do ever.I love to sit back n laze around no matter what time of the day is it…Its so part of me ..Its like breathing ..It lets you develop or it eats your mind up if you cant enjoy the loneliness and the the bliss of silence.or else you can also succumb to schizophrenia if you cant enjoy your own company and are haunted by your own presence. Or else on the other hand you can have the most amazing time just enjoying your own comapny and doing nothing and thinking about the most meaningful and important things of your life. 20070221-lazyshirt

Just think guys if it wasn’ t for the feel of doing nothing Issac Newton wont be under that tree and the fruit haven’t hit him and we would never know about the thing called as gravity..May be some one might have to jump from a height to prove that gravity exists..

If you aint lazy et all or don’t feel like it,well then i believe u r just oxygen sucking machine run on blood and caught in the daily hasseled lifestyle named rat-race.

Damm i m so lazy that i just wrote 3 posts in a year…he he but i love it…

If you every feel lazying around..dont kill the feeling just let it thrive there..n satisfy the lazy being in you once a while.
